Kickoff meeting in Münster, Germany
11 May 2015: SECURECHAIN is a new Horizon 2020 project that targets sustainable supply chains in the European bioenergy sector. The project aims at improving market uptake of efficient bioenergy systems in six model regions across Europe. The participating countries include Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Greece, Estonia, Austria and the UK. The Wald-Zentrum / IIWH, a German competence center in forestry and wood-based industries, has taken the project lead. The consortium held a three-day kickoff meeting in Münster (11-13 May 2015) to work out the specific targets and working plan for the coming three years. During an excursion to the Münsterland region, the participants were introduced to a large modern power plant using a highly efficient wood gasification technology for combined heat and power generation. The project, which has received a financial support from the European Commission of 1.8 million Euro, started on the 1st of April 2015 and will run for 3 years.